Jisort is a scalable solution designed to manage needs of SACCOs, Microfinance Institutions, Saving & credit cooperative organizations (SACCOs), Matatu Saccos, Welfare groups, Chamas, Pension schemes, and other Microfinance organizations; promoting accountability, transparency, enhancing efficiency and cost cutting.
Jisort as a SACCO Management Software System
Jisort Sacco Management System serves over 100 SACCOs in Kenya and across Africa
Allow registration of members, saving and loan capture.
Comprehensive loan management system capturing straightline and reducing balance interest models.
Allow capture of multiple loan fees as well as in depth loan appraisal through guarantor management, loan processing and automated disbursement.
Jisort provide in depth accounting functionality like chart of accounts, journals, ledgers, Trial balance, Cash book and other financial reporting.
Allow easy bank reconciliation, budgeting, e.t.c
Members are able to access online and mobile banking services from their Saccos.
And of course important integration with MPESA, Bank Account, IPRS, CRB, among others.
Jisort as a Chama Software
A simplified Chama application serving investment group of upto 50 members.
Allows members to register their bio data in simplified steps.
The applications captures savings, loans,contributions and investments from individual members.
Jisort for CHAMAs allows capturing other sources of income directly to the CHAMA’s bank account.
Also captures expenses and purchases from the CHAMA’s funds.
Uniquely Jisort allow capture and management of CHAMA’s group investments in fixed assets like Land, earning Assets like buildings, vehicles, bodaboda, matatu, financial products like bonds, fixed deposits, stock e.t.c
Jisort performs bookkeeping, bank reconciliation and accounting posting in real time.
Why Jisort?
Subscribe to use Jisort as a service, select a suitable package and pay monthly fees. Enjoy all Jisort features but most importantly access your system remotely using authorized devices.Excellent support and updates guaranteed. This is most affordable SACCO software packages. No installation costs!. This allows the client to invest in internet instead of expensive computer hardware: 100% Uptime, Redundant Backup, Easy Data Restore Option, Bulletproof Secure, 256bit Data Encryption, 2 Way Authentication, Accounting & Finance, Loan Processing & Credit Scoring and Fixed Deposit & Savings Products

Our Features
Since 2013 Jisort has stood out as a stable innovative Solution for Microfinance Institutions, SACCOs, Banks, Chamas and other Financial organizations looking to tap to Web, Mobile and Cloud Technology

Jisort has been working for over five years, several organizations have trusted Jisort for their operations to great satisfaction. With real-time (24/07) support we guarantee you smooth transition to harnessing the power of Jisort, the premium SACCO Management Information System

This is a precise solution, customized for your particular need, enforce all your unique by-laws, policy and regulations smoothly, add features as you grow. Irrespective of your size, diverse requirements and challenges, Jisort guarantees satisfaction. Never again pay for unnecessary baggage!.

Your data is 100% safe ! What would happen if you lost all the computers. Jisort ensures your data is encrypted, intruders cannot make sense of the data without Jisort installation. Jisort ensures redundant data backup locally and remotely, even with loss of your computer, your data is safe. Never again worry about unauthorized access, assign specific roles to system users and audit their activities on the system.

Mobile & Online Banking
Jisort powers mobile and online banking in top Microfinance Institutions and SACCOs in Kenya and across Africa. Jisort robust, agile, secure, high scalable technology has accorded Microfinance Institutions, Saccos, Banks, technology edge in this competitive financial industry at a fraction of traditional IT budgets.

Microfinance Management Information System
Jisort powers several MFIs in Kenya and across Africa. Provide powerful and intelligent KYC for MFIs. The easy of modelling credit products through Risk Management and Loan Management module is second to none. Onboard tools complement marketing efforts – SMS campaigns, SMS alerts and notifications, emails, Finance reporting and accounting module plus 100+ reports form the core of the business intelligence module.

Why Software as a Service (SaaS)?
Subscribe to use Jisort as a service, select a suitable package and pay monthly fees. Enjoy all Jisort features but most importantly access your system remotely using authorized devices. Excellent support and updates guaranteed. This is most affordable SACCO software packages. No installation costs!. This allows the client to invest in internet instead of expensive computer hardware